september 04, 2002


Um daginn ætluðum við Gunni að kaupa gardínur fyrir gluggana þrátt fyrir að okkur þyki gott að láta alla glápa á okkur inn af götunni :)

Rétt áður en við lögðum af stað í mikla innkaupaferð hringdi Gunnar, pabbi hans Gunna, og bauð okkur að fá lánaðar gamlar gardínur frá því stuttu eftir að foreldrar Gunna hófu búskap.

Við vorum náttúrulega mjög glöð því það er ekkert gaman að kaupa sér gardínur ef maður ætlar bara að búa stutta stund í íbúðinni.

Gardínurnar eru sannarlega skrautlegar, með fagurskreyttu blómamunstri og í mörgum litum og engin leið til að leggjast í skammdegisþunglyndi með þær fyrir augunum :)

Við hvetjum sem flesta vini og ættingja að koma í heimsókn og kíkja á þær og okkur í leiðinni.

Posted by at 04.09.02 02:34

A wizard cannot do everything; a fact most magicians are reticent to
admit, let alone discuss with prospective clients. Still, the fact
remains that there are certain objects, and people, that are, for one
reason or another, completely immune to any direct magical spell. It
is for this group of beings that the magician learns the subtleties of
using indirect spells. It also does no harm, in dealing with these
matters, to carry a large club near your person at all times.
-- The Teachings of Ebenezum, Volume VIII

Posted by: Party Poker at 03.11.04 02:57

Excellent day to have a rotten day.
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Posted by: Texas Holdem at 06.11.04 02:51

Economists can certainly disappoint you. One said that the economy
would turn up by the last quarter. Well, I'm down to mine and it
-- Robert Orben
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Posted by: Online Dating at 06.11.04 20:48

Writing about music is like dancing about architecture.
-- Frank Zappa
Credit Report

Posted by: Credit Report at 07.11.04 00:29

William Safire's Rules for Writers:

Remember to never split an infinitive. The passive voice should never
be used. Do not put statements in the negative form. Verbs have to
agree with their subjects. Proofread carefully to see if you words
out. If you reread your work, you can find on rereading a great deal
of repetition can be avoided by rereading and editing. A writer must
not shift your point of view. And don't start a sentence with a
conjunction. (Remember, too, a preposition is a terrible word to end a
sentence with.) Don't overuse exclamation marks!! Place pronouns as
close as possible, especially in long sentences, as of 10 or more
words, to their antecedents. Writing carefully, dangling participles
must be avoided. If any word is improper at the end of a sentence, a
linking verb is. Take the bull by the hand and avoid mixing
metaphors. Avoid trendy locutions that sound flaky. Everyone should
be careful to use a singular pronoun with singular nouns in their
writing. Always pick on the correct idiom. The adverb always follows
the verb. Last but not least, avoid cliches like the plague; seek
viable alternatives.
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Posted by: Auto Insurance at 07.11.04 08:39

Meader's Law:
Whatever happens to you, it will previously have happened to
everyone you know, only more so.
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The Seventh Commandments for Technicians
Work thou not on energized equipment, for if thou dost, thy
fellow workers will surely buy beers for thy widow and console her in
other ways.
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Seven years and six months! Humpty Dumpty repeated
thoughtfully. An uncomfortable sort of age. Now if you'd asked MY
advice, I'd have said `Leave off at seven' -- but it's too late now.
I never ask advice about growing, Alice said indignantly.
Too proud? the other enquired.
Alice felt even more indignant at this suggestion. I mean,
she said, that one can't help growing older.
ONE can't, perhaps, said Humpty Dumpty; but TWO can. With
proper assistance, you might have left off at seven.
-- Lewis Carroll
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Posted by: Mortgage Refinance at 15.11.04 12:16

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Posted by: craps at 16.11.04 11:50

The Pig, if I am not mistaken,
Gives us ham and pork and Bacon.
Let others think his heart is big,
I think it stupid of the Pig.
-- Ogden Nash
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Posted by: Cash Advance at 17.11.04 22:54

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Posted by: hgh at 23.11.04 03:43

Maier's Law:
If the facts don't conform to the theory, they must be disposed

(1) The bigger the theory, the better.
(2) The experiment may be considered a success if no more than
50% of the observed measurements must be discarded to
obtain a correspondence with the theory.
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Posted by: Cash Advance at 23.11.04 05:19

This is the first numerical problem I ever did. It demonstrates the
power of computers:

Enter lots of data on calorie & nutritive content of foods. Instruct
the thing to maximize a function describing nutritive content, with a
minimum level of each component, for fixed caloric content. The
results are that one should eat each day:

1/2 chicken
1 egg
1 glass of skim milk
27 heads of lettuce.
-- Rev. Adrian Melott
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Posted by: Cash Advance Loan at 23.11.04 16:03

There is no substitute for good manners, except, perhaps, fast
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Posted by: Direct TV at 24.11.04 14:06

The temperature of Heaven can be rather accurately computed. Our
authority is Isaiah 30:26, Moreover, the light of the Moon shall be as
the light of the Sun and the light of the Sun shall be sevenfold, as
the light of seven days. Thus Heaven receives from the Moon as much
radiation as we do from the Sun, and in addition 7*7 (49) times as much
as the Earth does from the Sun, or 50 times in all. The light we
receive from the Moon is one 1/10,000 of the light we receive from the
Sun, so we can ignore that ... The radiation falling on Heaven will
heat it to the point where the heat lost by radiation is just equal to
the heat received by radiation, i.e., Heaven loses 50 times as much
heat as the Earth by radiation. Using the Stefan-Boltzmann law for
radiation, (_H/_E)^4 = 50, where _E is the absolute temperature of the
earth (-300K), gives _H as 798K (525C). The exact temperature of Hell
cannot be computed ... [However] Revelations 21:8 says But the
fearful, and unbelieving ... shall have their part in the lake which
burneth with fire and brimstone. A lake of molten brimstone means
that its temperature must be at or below the boiling point, 444.6C. We
have, then, that Heaven, at 525C is hotter than Hell at 445C.
-- From Applied Optics vol. 11, A14, 1972
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Posted by: online poker at 26.11.04 08:33

From too much love of living,
From hope and fear set free,
We thank with brief thanksgiving,
Whatever gods may be,
That no life lives forever,
That dead men rise up never,
That even the weariest river winds somewhere safe to sea.
-- Swinburne

Posted by: Dating at 27.11.04 20:03

I don't have any solution but I certainly admire the problem.
-- Ashleigh Brilliant

Posted by: Phentermine at 28.11.04 09:24