apríl 11, 2003

Karfan byrjuð aftur

Ég er sjálfskipaður körfuboltaumsjónarmaður stærðfræðideildarinnar hérna. Þetta eru sjálfsagt fráhvarfseinkenni frá því þegar ég var íþróttafulltrúi stærðfræðideildarinnar heima í mörg ár (með frábærum árangri ef ég man rétt).

Starfið er mjög svipað og heima og felst í að fá fólk til að spila körfubolta reglulega. Þetta hefur gengið frekar brösulega þar sem allir þykjast vera voða bissý.

En ótrúlegir náttúrulegir hæfileikar mínir í þessu starfi nægðu þó til að skrapa saman í bolta áðan.

Því miður eru körfuboltahæfileikarnir ekki jafnmiklir og körfuboltaskipulagningarhæfileikarnir og var mitt lið valtað af hinum ýmsu liðum. Þetta minnir mig bara á þegar við Oddi vorum alltaf að láta einhverja smápjakka rústa okkur heima í Hólabrekkunni.

Næst tek ég þetta, þ.e. ef ég get gengið. Útlitið er ekki mjög gott núna, sjáum til á morgun.

Posted by Gunnar Gunnarsson at 11.04.03 20:23

Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction. by online poker

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The illustrious bishop of Cambrai was of more worth than his chambermaid, and there are few of us that would hesitate to pronounce, if his palace were in flames, and the life of only one of them could be preserved, which of the two ought to be preferred.

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The characteristic of the hour is that the commonplace mind, knowing itself to be commonplace, has the assurance to proclaim the rights of the commonplace and to impose them wherever it will.

Posted by: vimax at 22.12.04 09:46

The advice to limit our concerns might go along with the happy belief in an invisible hand or mechanism by which a number of independent agents, each acting on their own narrow concerns, in fact maximize the social good. This mechanism is the great buttress to free markets and laissez-faire capitalism. Unfortunately, there are situations in which instead of an invisible hand there is an invisible boot, ensuring that the same agents do worse than they would under a more generous regime of concern for each other.

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flowchart, n. & v.:
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a cryptic hidden-treasure map designed to mislead the uninitiated.]
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problems in which given algorithms require geometrical representation
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thousand pictures is worth ten lines of code. -- The Programmer's
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