apríl 13, 2003


Núna er ég að fara að hefja tilraun til að færa bloggið mitt inn á heimasvæðið hans Gunna, ef það tekst verður slóðin héreftir:

Posted by at 13.04.03 11:59

Til hamingju með nýju síðuna!

Posted by: Movable Mastah at 14.04.03 13:24

Glæsilegt !!!!!!

Posted by: Liney at 14.04.03 14:57

Til hamingju með nýju dagbókina!

Posted by: Árdís at 14.04.03 15:52

Þetta er algjör snilld.

Posted by: Gunni Beib at 14.04.03 17:11

Frábært lúkk! Til hamingju og velkomin í MT-hópinn ;) Nú vantar mig bara rss-link fyrir síðuna... (hinthint..)

Posted by: Vala at 14.04.03 19:05

Ja, hananú! Ekkert smá kúl síða! Til lukku! :)

(...og ég sem var búin að þrjóskast og þrjóskast við að breyta stikluleggnum á síðuna ykkar því ég var alltaf að bíða eftir að þið afbloggspottuðust - og svo breyti ég leggnum og þá bara flytjiði strax eitthvert annað! hehe...!! :) )

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The history of the world is none other than the progress of the consciousness of spirit.

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listless. The general shark attitude seems to be: Oh God, another
documentary. So the divers have to somehow goad them into attacking,
under the guise of Scientific Research. We know very little about the
effect of electricity on sharks, the narrator will say, in a deeply
scientific voice. That is why Todd is going to jab this Great White
in the testicles with a cattle prod. The divers keep this kind of
thing up until the shark finally gets irritated and snaps at them, and
then they act as though this was a totally unexpected and very
dangerous development, although clearly it is what they wanted all
-- Dave Barry, The Wonders of Sharks on TV
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The illustrious bishop of Cambrai was of more worth than his chambermaid, and there are few of us that would hesitate to pronounce, if his palace were in flames, and the life of only one of them could be preserved, which of the two ought to be preferred.

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The characteristic of the hour is that the commonplace mind, knowing itself to be commonplace, has the assurance to proclaim the rights of the commonplace and to impose them wherever it will.

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The advice to limit our concerns might go along with the happy belief in an invisible hand or mechanism by which a number of independent agents, each acting on their own narrow concerns, in fact maximize the social good. This mechanism is the great buttress to free markets and laissez-faire capitalism. Unfortunately, there are situations in which instead of an invisible hand there is an invisible boot, ensuring that the same agents do worse than they would under a more generous regime of concern for each other.

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A [golf] ball sliced or hooked into the rough shall be lifted and
placed in the fairway at a point equal to the distance it carried or
rolled into the rough. Such veering right or left frequently results
from friction between the face of the club and the cover of the ball
and the player should not be penalized for the erratic behavior of the
ball resulting from such uncontrollable physical
-- Donald A. Metz
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Posted by: Poker at 27.12.04 13:41