júlí 03, 2002


Undanfarna daga hafa malbikunarframkvæmdir átt sér stað í vinnunni og ég er að sjá til þess að malbikunargæjarnir geri ekki neitt af sér innan öryggissvæða flugvallarins.

Þrátt fyrir að ég sé ekki að malbika sjálf hefur mér tekist að maka mig alla út í tjöru og núna eru buxurnar mínar með svörtum ljótum blettum.

Karlarnir í vinnunni gáfu mér góð húsráð til að ná tjörunni úr fötunum, maður á bara að sprauta VD 40 á fötin og þvo þau síðan.

Ég er ekki viss um að fólkið í húsinu sem notar sömu þvottavél og ég verði ofurhrifið ef ég færi eftir þessum leiðbeiningum;)

Ég fékk líka húsráð um það hvernig ég næ tjörunni af höndunum á mér (þær eru svartar), þá notar maður bara barnaolíu. Ég spurði strákana þá hvort þeir mökuðu sig í olíu á kvöldin en fékk fá svör :)

Posted by at 03.07.02 12:29

You can't teach people to be lazy - either they have it, or they
-- Dagwood Bumstead

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Posted by: national city mortgage at 03.11.04 15:35

War hath no fury like a non-combatant.
-- Charles Edward Montague

Posted by: Party Poker at 05.11.04 22:49

This is the first numerical problem I ever did. It demonstrates the
power of computers:

Enter lots of data on calorie & nutritive content of foods. Instruct
the thing to maximize a function describing nutritive content, with a
minimum level of each component, for fixed caloric content. The
results are that one should eat each day:

1/2 chicken
1 egg
1 glass of skim milk
27 heads of lettuce.
-- Rev. Adrian Melott
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Posted by: Texas Holdem at 06.11.04 03:04

A budget is just a method of worrying before you spend money, as well
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Posted by: Online Dating at 06.11.04 20:54

What garlic is to food, insanity is to art.
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Posted by: Credit Report at 07.11.04 01:41

God did not create the world in seven days; he screwed around for six
days and then pulled an all-nighter.
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Posted by: Home Equity Loan at 07.11.04 13:20

No philosophy, no religion, has ever brought so glad a message to the world as this good news of Atheism. by internet poker

Posted by: internet poker at 07.11.04 14:14

by Mark Isaak

Long ago, in a finite state far away, there lived a JOVIAL
character named Jack. Jack and his relations were poor. Often their
hash table was bare. One day Jack's parent said to him, Our matrices
are sparse. You must go to the market to exchange our RAM for some
BASICs. She compiled a linked list of items to retrieve and passed it
to him.
So Jack set out. But as he was walking along a Hamilton path,
he met the traveling salesman.
Whither dost thy flow chart take thou? prompted the salesman
in high-level language.
I'm going to the market to exchange this RAM for some chips
and Apples, commented Jack.
I have a much better algorithm. You needn't join a queue
there; I will swap your RAM for these magic kernels now.
Jack made the trade, then backtracked to his house. But when
he told his busy-waiting parent of the deal, she became so angry she
started thrashing.
Don't you even have any artificial intelligence? All these
kernels together hardly make up one byte, and she popped them out the
window ...
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Posted by: Auto Insurance at 07.11.04 17:46

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Man has free choice, or otherwise counsels, exhortations, commands, prohibitions, rewards and punishments would be in vain. by holdem poker

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A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity. by online poker

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People of the same trade seldom meet together, even for merriment and diversion, but the conversation ends in a conspiracy against the public, or in some contrivance to raise prices. by texas hold'em

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Anyone can do any amount of work provided it isn't the work he is
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By the time they had diminished from 50 to 8, the other dwarves began
to suspect 'Hungry' ...
-- Gary Larson, The Far Side
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Posted by: Direct TV at 24.11.04 16:16

The only really good place to buy lumber is at a store where the lumber
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finished, and put inside boxes.
-- Dave Barry, The Taming of the Screw
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Posted by: Video Poker at 25.11.04 13:29

Ask five economists and you'll get five different explanations (six if
one went to Harvard).
-- Edgar R. Fiedler
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