nóvember 25, 2002

And the winner is...

Gunnar Gunnarsson!!! Húrra fyrir honum.

Í dag er ég sigurvegari. Ég rústaði James Bond leik Visa. Ég fékk þessa líka fínu James Bond tösku og svo náttúrulega miða á myndina líka, jess. Ég ætlaði nefnilega að fara á myndina hvort eð er.

Ég fékk meira að segja tvo miða svo í dag syngjum við Solla. We are the champions, WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS......

Posted by Gunnar Gunnarsson at 25.11.02 08:04

Cernosi su znami tym, ze vsade improvizuju.
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(Milos Janousek)
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Next Thursday (which is good Friday),
g There will be a convention held in the
Women's Club which is strictly for Men.
Admission is free, pay at the door,
Pull up a chair, and sit on the floor.
It was a summer's day in winter,
And the snow was raining fast,
As a barefoot boy with shoes on,
Stood sitting in the grass.
Oh, that bright day in the dead of night,
Two dead men got up to fight.
Three blind men to see fair play,
Forty mutes to yell "Hooray"!
Back to back, they faced each other,
Drew their swords and shot each other.
A deaf policeman heard the noise,
Came and arrested those two dead boys.
celebrex celebrex onlineCernosi su znami tym, ze vsade improvizuju.
Na plantazi, v studiu, na plazi. V socialnej poistovni.
(Milos Janousek)

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